The linkages between economics and security have generated longstanding interest on the part of social scientists, but developments in contemporary global politics encourage a reconsideration of this critical topic. Countries regularly wield economic weapons to advance foreign policy goals, eroding the divide between economic and security relations. The global financial crisis and its political aftershocks have elevated economic vulnerability and the long- term consequences of economic shocks as national security concerns. Competition among resource-poor emerging economies has revived predictions of resource conflicts. Far-right parties in Europe have promoted a political backlash against economic insecurity-attributed to both global and regional (EU) economic integration.
Theoretical innovations in political economy could also promote a new research agenda on the economics of national security. For example, open economy politics (OEP) models have become increasingly prominent in research on the international political economy and could shed new light on the linkages between economics and security. The “new, new trade theory,” insights into global value chains, and vertical and horizontal integration of production processes may offer new purchase on the economic infrastructure for national and global security. We aim for this workshop to produce papers that will add theoretical depth and empirical breadth to research on the political economy of international security.
Four themes will frame the workshop. Recent changes in the international political economy including burgeoning foreign direct investment, fragmentation of production in global supply chains, and the proliferation of bilateral and regional economic institutions— raise questions about past findings in the literature on the political economy of national security, much of which focused on trade interdependence. Non-state actors and civil conflict—familiar features of post-9/11 security studies—have not been adequately connected to cross-border economic exchange, as cause or effect. Research on economics-security linkages would benefit from studies of Asia and of the emerging economies, especially Brazil, China, India, and Russia. Finally, data on new manifestations of economic interdependence have become more readily available. New methodologies rooted in experimental design are 2 receiving wider application in international political economy. These new data sources and methodological innovations hold considerable promise for the exploration of the causal links between economics and security.
Francesco Amodio, Leonardo Baccini, and Michele DiMaio
The Economic Determinants of Political Violence: Firm-‐Level Evidence from the Occupied Palestinian Territories
William Bernhard and David Leblang
Migration Threats and Foreign Policy Choices
Stephen G. Brooks
Adam Smith’s Political Economy of International Security: Evaluating Eight Middle-Range Theories from Wealth of Nations
Allison Carnegie and Nikhar Gaikwad
The Geopolitical Determinants of Support for Globalization
Jeff Colgan
Oil and the Post-Colonial Order
Christina Davis and Tyler Pratt
The Forces of Attraction: How Security Interests Shape Membership in Economic Institutions
Henry Farrell and Abraham Newman
Cross-National Policy Sequencing and Interdependence in Security and Economics
Benjamin Fordham and Katja Kleinberg
Politics, Economics, and the Development of International Rivalry
Julia Gray
Aiming Too High: Security Explanations for the Implementation Gap in International Economic Organizations
Guy Grossman, Devorah Manekin, and Yotam Margalit
The Effectiveness of Economic Sanctions: A Public Opinion Perspective
Yoram Z. Haftel and Stephanie C. Hofmann
Two is a Crowd? Organizational Overlap among Regional Economic and Security Organizations
Soo Yeon Kim and Etel Solingen
Production Networks and Conflict in East Asia
Michael Miller and Margaret Peters
Changing Access to Migration and Political Violence
Pablo M. Pinto and Boliang Zhu
Foreign Direct Investment, Rents, and Civil Conflict
Weiyi Shi
Guns and Investments: Historical Approaches and the Chinese Exception
Rachel Stein
Blood for Oil? Taboo Tradeoffs and Public Support for War as a Tool of Energy Security
Mark Zachary Taylor and Jon Schmid
Innovation, Alliances, and Threats
Download the papers here.